April is Earth Month

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Earth Month takes place during April every year. It’s a time to raise environmental awareness and renew (or make) some consciousness choices around the issues that affect mother nature.

I will offer some tips on how you can participate this Earth Month, 2024’s theme:

“Planet over Plastics”

Tip 5: Support our Pollinators!

I LOOVE my little mason bee condo empire! Mason bees don’t make honey like their honey bee cousins, but they pack a punch with their pollination skills, making it possible for plants to set seed and reproduce, for fruit trees and berry canes to increase their yield, and for flower landscapes to burst with color.

They are extraordinary pollinators – just 250-300 females can pollinate an entire acre of apples or cherries – and are often touted as being more efficient than honey bees. Of the roughly 150 mason bee types in North America, most are native.  In fact, you probably have a few buzzing around your yard, doing their work.

They are non-aggressive and rarely sting. These bees lay their eggs inside existing tunnels, such as those left by wood-boring beetles or the hollow stems of pithy plants, and are happy to nest in man-made tunnels – if the tunnel meets certain criteria. Mason bee houses can be bought or made from wood, thick paper straws, or hollow reeds.

April is Earth Month

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Earth Month takes place during April every year. It’s a time to raise environmental awareness and renew (or make) some consciousness choices around the issues that affect mother nature.

I will offer some tips on how you can participate this Earth Month, 2024’s theme:

“Planet over Plastics”

Tip 4: Go on a neighborhood cleanup

One of the best ways to connect with the Earth is through cleanups. Go on a walk with a trash bag and help to clean up any plastic that you find. Perhaps you know of a nearby ditch or drainage area around the corner that is polluted with trash! You’ll start to realize that plastic permeates every aspect of our lives. But as the world wakes up to its addiction, just how easy is it to ditch plastic while growing and storing more of our own food? Don’t forget to recycle what plastic you can. See a Plastics Recycling Chart

Adopt One Block.

Want to make it a more consistent event? Try joining AdoptOneBlock

AdoptOneBlock Community Calendar link

AdoptOneBlock reimagines the way we make our city cleaner and happier. We enable you to care for the block you love the most, when and how you want, with cleanup supplies we deliver to you for free.

Adopt your block here!

April is Earth Month

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Earth Month takes place during April every year. It’s a time to raise environmental awareness and renew (or make) some consciousness choices around the issues that affect mother nature.

I will offer some tips on how you can participate this Earth Month, 2024’s theme:

“Planet over Plastics”

Tip 3: Save on Household Energy

Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com

This can be anything you like:

Turn your thermostat down a degree before the heat comes on and up a degree before the AC kicks in

Get a programmable thermostat

Turn the lights off as you leave a room

Change to LED bulbs

Turn off power cords at night to stop the “energy vampires”

Let your laundry dry outside (at least partially) before using the dryer

Turn your water heater down a degree

Pull the shades and close your fireplace damper. Window coverings help hold energy in and the heat out. 

Portland General Electric has an Energy Tracking Tool that can help you spot other easy ways to lower energy use, check it out here.

April is Earth Month

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Earth Month takes place during April every year. It’s a time to raise environmental awareness and renew (or make) some consciousness choices around the issues that affect mother nature.

I will offer some tips on how you can participate this Earth Month, 2024’s theme:

“Planet over Plastics”

Tip 2: Plant a tree, bush, garden, some flowers…

Several organizations driven to reduce the Earth’s carbon footprint aim to plant a tree a day. It’s one of the simplest ways to fight climate change and you can do it too. In Portland, contact the Friends of Trees to learn more about how and when you can volunteer, and get a tree for you too!

April is Earth Month

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Earth Month takes place during April every year. It’s a time to raise environmental awareness and renew (or make) some consciousness choices around the issues that affect mother nature.

I will offer some tips on how you can participate this Earth Month, 2024’s theme:

“Planet over Plastics”

Tip 1: Use less plastics.

(I know, this is a “well, obviously!”). Think reusable bags (or skipping the bag altogether, my radishes don’t care if they are in a flimsy plastic bag, they are going to get washed anyways…) and bottles.

And for the times that items are in plastic, recycle them well! Our family (well, probably just me, but everyone plays along) loves Ridwell, and I am enamoured that they now recycle the thin and the crinkly plastic! What’s your Plastic Facts IQ? Try Ridwell’s quiz here!